宁波上海北极甜虾进口报关代理配额怎样申请 宁波上海北极甜虾进口报关代理配额怎样申请 ?进口清关 北极甜虾进口报关具体流程 北极虾与其他虾类相比,在营养上更加丰富,北极甜虾主要捕捞的国家有加拿大,格陵兰,丹麦,冰岛和挪威等.北极虾生长在150米深的冰冷海水环境中,生长速度缓慢,肉质很紧密. 一、北极甜虾进口清关需要提供的资料? ?进口清关 国际物流专业顾问:郭周先生 电话:????商务Q 公司网址/ 万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司-广州分部??公司网址/ 国外需要准备的资料 1、卫生证(该证件也是由国外官方机构出具,但由于大多国家官方机构都不会出具此卫生证,所以大多还是生产商自己做的卫生证,国内海关也能认可) 2、箱单、invoice、合同(出口商提供) 3、产地证(该证件必须是由国外官方机构出具,由官方机构签字盖章方能生效,否则国内海关不予认可) 4、正本提单/电放提单(船公司出具) 5、北极甜虾输华卫生证书 国内需要准备的资料 1、空白盖章纸(若干张,在纸的一面写上“仅供报关报检使用”,另一面右下角盖公章) 2、报检委托书和报检代码 3、营业执照复印件(1份,加盖公章) 4、标签翻译件(中英文对照) 5、入境动植物检疫许可证 6、收发货人备案号和查询号 7、报关委托书和报关代码 8、无纸化签约 备注:若贵司不具有进出口权则只需准备1、2、4项 ??进口清关 国际物流专业顾问:郭周先生 电话:????商务Q 公司网址/ 万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司-广州分部??公司网址/ 二、北极甜虾进口清关代理门到门流程: 国外提货--出口申报--安排运输--货物到港前做好北极甜虾收发货人备案--换单--报检--报关--缴税--海关查验–商检查验–海关放行–入监管仓–标签审核–标签备案–加贴标签–抽样化验–检测合格–出卫生证--市场流通 PS流程详解: 1.如果是**次进口,必须到提货口岸的商检局做收货人进口备案 2.做中文标签备案,因为食品类进口产品必须要贴中文标签 以上两个步骤可以在货到港前做好 3.准备相关清关资料,货到港开始到海关申报 4.通关后,凭税单缴税? 5.海关放行,入海关监管仓抽样? 6.检验检疫,合格颁发卫生证书 ?进口清关 国际物流专业顾问:郭周先生 电话:????商务Q 公司网址/ 万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司-广州分部??公司网址/ 三、部分北极甜虾类进口关税: 鱼:关税12%,增值税:13%; 虾:关税:15%,增值税:13%; 蟹:关税14%,增值税:13% 1.进口冷冻鱼虾必须要商检局出具通关单? 2.进境报检手续:主要对货物的数量,品种,及包装等各种进行核对。 3.检验检疫手续:货物入仓后安排商检人员到现场抽检,20工作天内万采检验并通知货物是否合格(收货人通知是否*),以及标签备案。 ? 加拿大北极甜虾进口清关/美国甜虾进口报关/美国北极甜虾进口报关事项: 1.HS编码:0306161200 2.进口关税:5%?;进口增值税:13% 广州机场北极甜虾进口报关清关需要什么手续?广州机场北极甜虾进口报关清关需要什么手续? 加拿大北极甜虾进口清关/美国甜虾进口报关/美国北极甜虾进口报关事项 加拿大北极甜虾进口清关/美国甜虾进口报关/美国北极甜虾进口报关事项商检手续: ?进口清关 国际物流专业顾问:郭周先生 电话:????商务Q 公司网址/ 万享供应链管理(上海)有限公司-广州分部??公司网址/ import clearance Specific process of import customs declaration for sweet shrimps in the Arctic Compared with other Arctic shrimp shrimp, rich in nutrition, Arctic shrimp fishing in the countries of Canada, Greenland, Denmark, Iceland and Norway. Arctic shrimp growth in 150 meters deep in the icy water environment, slow growth, meat is very close. A, Arctic sweet shrimp import customs clearance need to provide information Import customs clearance International logistics Consultant: Mr. Guo Zhou Tel: business Q Company website/ Wanhone supply chain management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. - Guangzhou branch company website/ Information that needs to be prepared abroad 1, health certificate is also issued by foreign official agencies, but because most countries do not issue this health certificate, so most of them are hygienic certificates made by manufacturers themselves, which can also be recognized by domestic customs. 2. Box, invoice, contract (exporter) 3. Certificate of origin (the certificate must be issued by a foreign official institution, the official seal can be signed by the official agency, otherwise the domestic customs will not accept it). 4, the original bill of lading / telex release bill of lading (shipping company issued) 5. The health certificate of the Arctic sweet shrimp to China Information to be prepared at home 1, blank cover paper (a number of sheets, written on the side of the paper "for customs declaration for use only", the other side of the lower right Cape seal) 2. The letter of entrustment and the code for inspection 3. Xerox of the business license (1 copies, stamped with the official seal) 4, label translation (Chinese and English) 5. Inbound animal and Plant Quarantine License 6. The record number and inquiry number of the consignee 7, the customs declaration and the customs declaration code 8, paperless signing Note: if you do not have the right to import and export, you only have to prepare 1, 2, 4 items. Import customs clearance International logistics Consultant: Mr. Guo Zhou Tel: business Q Company website/ Wanhone supply chain management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. - Guangzhou branch company website/ Two, the Arctic shrimps import customs clearance agent door to the door process: Foreign goods -- export declaration -- to arrange transport goods to Hong Kong -- well before the Arctic shrimp consignor record -- for a single -- -- -- -- tax customs inspection customs inspection customs clearance inspection inspection - - - - - regulatory positions - record label label label - Sampling - Inspection - a health certificate: market circulation PS process detailed: 1. if it is the first import, it is necessary to import the consignee at the inspection bureau at the port of delivery for the record of the consignee 2. do the Chinese label for the record, because the food import products must be labeled with Chinese label The above two steps can be done before the arrival of the goods to the port 3. prepare relevant customs clearance information, arrival at the port to customs declaration 4. customs clearance, tax by tax 5. customs clearance, the customs supervision warehouse sampling 6. inspection and quarantine, qualified health certificate Import customs clearance International logistics Consultant: Mr. Guo Zhou Tel: business Q Company website/ Wanhone supply chain management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. - Guangzhou branch company website/ The three part, the Arctic sweet shrimp import tariff: Fish: tariff 12%, VAT: 13%; Shrimp: tariff: 15%, VAT: 13%; Crab: tariff 14%, VAT: 13% 1. imported frozen fish and shrimp must be issued by the Commodity Inspection Bureau of customs clearance 2. entry inspection procedures: the number, variety, and packing of the goods are checked and checked. 3. inspection and quarantine formalities: after the cargo warehousing inspection personnel to arrange on-site sampling, 20 working days Neiwancai inspection and inform whether the goods qualified (consignee notice whether a certificate), and record label.. Import customs clearance International logistics Consultant: Mr. Guo Zhou Tel: business Q Company website/ Wanhone supply chain management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. - Guangzhou branch company website/ Other--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wanhone logistics supply chain management to provide door-to-door one-stop professional customs clearance agent services, the integration of the whole international logistics chain organically together, service throughout the international trade process: general trade agents, international trade settlement, import documents, import logistics, professional, professional food import customs clearance warehouse. ? Wanenjoy supply chain management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. agency for imported food items: Beverages: honey, fruit juice, nutritious beverages, functional drinks, tea drinks, milk, health beverage, etc. Edible oil: olive oil, milk, sunflower seed oil, mustard seed oil, etc. 四、延伸阅读 八一女排0-3江苏终结8连胜 携辽沪提前4轮进8强 12月9日,2017-2018赛季全国女排联赛战至*10轮,A组八一0-3惨遭江苏零封终结8连胜,与3-0横扫四川的辽宁分别是8胜2负23分和7胜2负22分,得益于胜场和积分的良好优势提前4轮晋级八强。B组上海2-3惜败天津至8胜1负23分,也是由于*5山东无法赶**而入围8强,北京2-3遭浙江逆转到5胜4负17分,落后天津19分和良好浙江15分依然排名*3。 A组:八一终结八连胜 携辽宁晋级八强 八一坐镇主场力拼三局以0-3(23-25、15-25、15-25)惨遭江苏双杀,同时终结武晓江换帅以来的八连胜纪录,主攻刘晏含空砍19分难救主,对角王云蕗和副攻袁心玥各获9和8分。江苏主攻张常宁狂砍22分荣膺得分王,接应龚翔宇和副攻姜倩雯各拿11和9分。这样,八一凭借8胜2负23分暂时居首,江苏则是少赛一轮以7胜1负20分,落后辽宁7胜2负22分排名*3。 辽宁移师客场直落三局以3-0(25-15、25-19、25-13)横扫四川,接应王美懿和主攻段放各获15和13分成为功臣,四川主攻苏围萍进账12分。广东恒大激战四局以3-1(25-11、25-23、27-29、26-24)力克福建,主攻和接应的栗垚劲收21分,塞尔维亚布尔萨奇与副攻刘亚男同获12分,古巴卡里罗和保加利亚亚涅娃各拿5和4分,福建副攻郑益昕和主攻林琳砍下17和16分。 福建成绩是3胜5负9分暂列*5,即便是后续4轮全胜进账12分,也无法追赶八一23分和辽宁22分,故而目送A组前两名提**轮晋级八强。广东恒大凭借5胜4负16分***4位。反观四川与河南同为0胜8负0分,落后广东恒大有16分的差距,即便是剩余4场全胜进账12分,由于铁定无法跻身前4而提前出局。A组剩余晋级2席是江苏、广东恒大与福建三选二。 宁波上海北极甜虾进口报关代理配额怎样申请 宁波上海北极甜虾进口报关代理配额怎样申请